Email marketing is like an old friend. It’s been around for years. It doesn’t surprise you much anymore. You may even find it a little boring sometimes. But at Special leads the end of the day, you know you can depend on it. Even with the emergence of more exciting engagement tactics, email marketing has remained a key method for reaching your audience. In Special leads fact, nearly 70% of people between the ages of 18 and 34 prefer companies communicate with them through email, according to MarketingSherpa research.
That number’s even higher among 35- to 44-year-olds and Special leads 45- to 54-year-olds. Regardless of how people feel about email communications, many marketers’ email campaigns are failing to connect with customers. Nearly half of the marketers who participated in a Special leads recent Demand Metric/Return Path study reported email open rates of 15% or less, while almost 60% cited click-through rates of 8% or less. But that isn’t Special leads because email marketing is past its prime.
It’s because too many marketers have neglected the recent Special leads paradigm shift. Namely, today’s customers have become much more sophisticated about how they consume content. Here are three easy ways you can improve your email marketing efforts to better connect with your audience and increase engagement: 1. Segment your lists The first thing you’ll want to Special leads do is figure out who you should be talking to—and why. Some of the most popular characteristics marketers use to segment their lists include: Job title or function Demographics Purchase history Website activity Past email clicks or opens Why is this important?